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How Restaurants Use AI Driven Chatbots To Improve Margins and Customer Experiences

A potential customer is browsing Facebook at the end of a long day, catching up on the latest happenings in their friend circle. They remember that they want to book a meal to catch up with their friend. Their friend’s favorite food is Italian, and that’s what your restaurant specializes in!

How are chatbots used in hospitality industry?

Hotel chatbots can help by providing 24/7 customer service. Put simply, this means customers can receive a timely response, regardless of the time of day, even when you might not have customer service staff on hand to respond to them personally.

For millennials, the generation that actively prefers not speaking with others, they can be the perfect fit as they are the ones who, apart from food, also expect a digital experience. This is where restaurants need to evolve by understanding modern day customer behaviors and expectations with the advent of digital technology. Additionally, if the customer is looking to simply order wine along with their food, the chatbot shows recommendations on the different kind of wines available with the restaurant. Chatbots, as virtual assistants, are applications designed to perform certain tasks completely autonomously without the need for human supervision, management or authorization. These bots are extremely useful when implemented in messaging applications such as Facebook or WhatsApp.

Best Uses Of Chatbots For Restaurants

A restaurant chatbot simplifies and speeds up both table service and takeaways, thus minimising wait times and frustration for customers. Restaurants can also take advantage of a restaurant chatbot to ask patrons for feedback, and gather information about them to deliver customised service and improved experiences. Chatbots help deal with the challenges faced by restaurants with analytics, as well. Chatbots gather and organize sales and customer behavior data, then strategize their marketing efforts based on location and customer interests.

  • The first and most important job of your restaurant bots is to help your customers make the order without any hassle.
  • The most significant part of this expenditure is obviously allocated to paying their support teams.
  • A chatbot is now becoming an essential part of assuring an omnichannel marketing strategy.
  • During this pandemic, the way you serve your customers has drastically transformed.
  • To explore more food technologies, simply get in touch to let us look into your areas of interest.
  • This is not only cheaper than hiring an agency but the bot can be built and deployed much faster.

Chatbot support for facilitating orders, addressing customer queries, and solving customer issues is popular across all leading restaurant and food delivery apps. Even remote parts of the world embraced restaurant and food delivery apps like never before. For example, queries for app development in Ireland was high because many restaurants and essential service providers wanted to build mobile apps to take on delivery business opportunities. Chatbots are also very useful for customers who prefer takeaways or home deliveries. Ordering takeaways via phone, website, or app can be difficult for some diners, but a restaurant chatbot can simplify the process.

Marketing & Promotions

For instance, WhatsApp has 2 billion active users as of today. One of the common applications of restaurant bots is making reservations. They can engage with customers around the clock to provide and collect following information. Despite the fact that chatbots have a variety of general applications, such as automating customer service, this section only focuses on 5 use cases specific to the restaurant industry . Haptik, a chatbot firm, has developed chatbots for more than 400 businesses across a variety of industries, including the hospitality sector.

As chatbot sophistication grows, AI debate intensifies – Arab News

As chatbot sophistication grows, AI debate intensifies.

Posted: Mon, 05 Dec 2022 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Despite their benefits, many chain restaurant owners and managers are unaware of restaurant chatbots. This article aims to close the information gap by providing use cases, Chatbot For Restaurant Business case studies and best practices regarding chatbots for restaurants. What makes this process extraordinary is that he chatbot makes ordering a more enjoyable process.

Personalize Food Recommendations

By helping brands worldwide automate customer service, streamline transactions, and foster community, Chatbots are paving the future of hospitality. Given that WhatsApp is one of the most widely used messaging app globally, the platform is an excellent approach to handle customer support issues. The WhatsApp bot can customize replies based on a user’s keyword searches and time of the day. Chatbots could be employed in many channels, including the website, social media, and the in-restaurant app, ensuring the chatbot is a valuable marketing tool.

A chatbot that can answer your customer’s inquiries anytime, anywhere, might keep that diner from going elsewhere. People like dining out – And most, if not all, like to make reservations ahead of time in order to not worry about table availability, even on busy days. Customers can reserve tables in a few seconds with a Chatbot, rather than booking over the phone, which can be stressful and confusing during busy periods. To solve a single problem, firms can leverage hundreds of solution categories with hundreds of vendors in each category. We bring transparency and data-driven decision making to emerging tech procurement of enterprises.

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You can also change this action for a different one if you like. But we would recommend keeping it that way for the FAQ bot so that your potential customers can choose from the decision cards. You can use them to manage orders, increase sales, answer frequently asked questions, and much more. Chatbots can email new deals and offers to your list of current customers. They can also send such promotional offers on social media, your website, and the app. Before we explain the role of mobile chatbots for restaurant delivery and pickup, let’s first look at the key changes that restaurants at this time should adhere to.

  • If social channels aren’t at the top of your marketing assets list, it’s time to reconsider.
  • Moreover, chatbots can manage almost any social media chat account, from Instagram to Tik Tok or even WhatsApp, and not Facebook Messenger only.
  • Yes, chatbots can be used to take orders and suggest menu items.
  • Chatbots generate personalized experience and redefines the way customers are serviced.
  • Just to start, we remind the reader that restaurant chatbots can assure 24/7 customer service at zero cost, as they work all night and day and without salary.
  • They completed the whole process without ever leaving the app.

You’ve now interrupted this person and created a moment for them. In just a few clicks they are talking to your expert chatbot. A few messages later and they have a table booked for the next day and a great meal to look forward to. They completed the whole process without ever leaving the app. It was a frictionless experience and caused them no annoyance or stress. There was no waiting for websites to load or navigating around an unfamiliar site.

24/7 Customer Service

Browsing the menu isn’t necessary anymore since Domino’s chatbot will allow customers to select from multiple previous orders with a click or speech recognition. The chatbot even conveys the estimated arrival time by tracking the order when prompted. Restaurant chatbots can be used by small or large restaurants alike and still show the same benefits. Burger King’s chatbot for Messenger is probably the most famous example of the use of chatbots in the world of food and drink. Chatbots can bring substantial advantages both to big chains and small family restaurants.

  • At the same time, it can also provide accessibility benefits for people with disabilities or physical impairments.
  • Restaurants can use chatbots for similar meal pairings or recommendations—this not only engages the customer with your brand but also drives revenue.
  • They can then assure the customer that they will pass the message to the relevant team.
  • A restaurant chatbot can use algorithms to identify customers and discover their preferences and make recommendations and promotions that are personalized.
  • There are certain technologies and features that ensure a far better customer experience.
  • Our usage-based pricing is based on the number of message credits you need.

Restaurant chatbots form part of a wider trend of increasing chatbot usage within the hospitality industry. This also frees up customer support staff to spend more of their time on more complicated issues. This restaurant uses the chatbot for marketing as well as for answering questions. The business placed many images on the chat window to enhance the customer experience and encourage the visitor to visit or order from the restaurant. These include their restaurant address, hotline number, rates, and reservations amongst others to ensure the visitor finds what they’re looking for. Staying ahead of the technology curve means strengthening your competitive advantage.


Often customers go to a restaurant where the waiter is attending too many tables at a time, causing delays and customers having to wait a long time for either ordering or serving. By deploying chatbots, this lag is minimized, ensuring that every customer has a positive experience and the requests are attended to promptly. Startups bridge this gap by integrating AI chatbots on the website of restaurant and food joints.

Chatbot For Restaurant Business

This way, you can keep your chatbot conversation flow clean, organized, and easy to manage. They offer more freedom and flexibility when it comes to interactive conversational app elements that boost user experience such as carousels, buttons, transactional interfaces, etc. Plus, such a food ordering chatbot can not only show the menu but also send the orders to the waiter or the kitchen directly and even process the payment to avoid handling money or cards. The restaurant industry has been traditionally slow to adopt new technology to attract customers. It forced restaurant and bar owners to look for affordable and easy-to-implement solutions which, thanks to the rise in no-code platforms, were not hard to find. One poor experience can lead to a lost relationship with the customer.

How do I buy a Restaurant Chatbots ?

You can buy Restaurant Chatbots on Upwork with three simple steps.Browse and choose from 59 Restaurant Chatbots projects available for purchase on Upwork’s Project Catalog.Buy a project that fits your budget. Some Restaurant Chatbots projects have different tiers and add-ons, so be sure to customize it to fit your needs. You’ll need to submit your payment to start the project, but we’ll hold on to it until you approve the work.Review and Approve your $Restaurant Chatbots Project.

Выпуск 127 Алексей Путилов ученик Витте ИПБ России

алексей путилов

На следующее утро я уехал из Петрограда, боясь, что меня арестуют. Поехал через Лугу в имение Богданова, в 22 верстах по новгородскому тракту. Алексей Путилов родился в Санкт-Петербурге в 1866 году в семье мирового судьи и тайного советника Ивана Павловича Путилова. В 1899 году блестяще закончил Санкт- Петербургский юридический  университет, а его магистерская работа по уголовному праву была удостоена «золотой» медали.

  • Член прав­ле­ния (1905–10) и ди­рек­тор-рас­по­ря­ди­тель (1908–10) под­кон­троль­но­го Мин-ву фи­нан­сов Рус.-Кит.
  • Путилов умер тихо незадолго до начала Второй мировой войны, но даже точная дата его смерти неизвестна.
  • Армия разваливается.
  • Для расширения операций Крестьянского банка предложил ввести принудительный выкуп части помещичьих земель, после чего из-за недовольства императора Николая II подал в отставку.


О политических ваших убеждениях я не спрашиваю. Вы — русские люди. Армия разваливается. Все идет прахом. Пока большевики сидят в Смольном, ничего сделать нельзя… Я никому своих взглядов не навязываю.

Путилов, Алексей Иванович

Член прав­ле­ния (1905–10) и ди­рек­тор-рас­по­ря­ди­тель (1908–10) под­кон­троль­но­го Мин-ву фи­нан­сов Рус.-Кит. Бан­ка; вы­вел его из кри­зи­са, най­дя вы­ход в слия­нии с Сев. Бан­ком (фак­ти­че­ски фи­ли­ал бан­ка «Сось­е­те же­не­раль» в С.-Пе­тер­бур­ге), в ре­зуль­та­те че­го в 1910 соз­дан Рус.-Ази­ат. Банк, кон­тро­ли­ро­вав­ший­ся франц. Ка­пи­та­лом (в 1-ю ми­ро­вую вой­ну кон­троль пе­ре­шёл к рос. ак­цио­не­рам).

Русское масонство

Путилов подавал предложения советскому правительству о помощи в денежной реформе, хотел вернуться, отдать часть активов, которые были размещены на Дальнем Востоке и в Европе. Но большевики эти предложения отклонили. Каким-то образом данная информация, в общем-то вполне конфиденциальная, просочилась в прессу. Возможно, после смерти Красина, который внезапно скончался, и часть его бумаг, не предназначенных для огласки, попала в газеты. И за это эмигрантская печать устроила травлю Путилова. В конце концов, он ушел в некое такое изгнание, жил частной жизнью.

алексей путилов

Половина компаний переманивает людей у конкурентов за счет корпоративной культуры, а не деньгами

Перед новым руководством была поставлена задача поправить финансовые дела, с чем Алексей Иванович отлично справился. Он разработал ряд эффективных антикризисных мер и восстановил приток капитала. Через пару лет алексей иванович путилов Путилов получил пост директора-распорядителя. А в 1910 году после крайне сложных переговоров организовал слияние с успешным Северным банком, находившимся под контролем французского банка «Сосьете Женераль».

Русское масонство

Словом, за два года до захвата власти большевиками царское правительство национализировало всю тяжелую промышленность России, и большевикам осталось лишь заменить комиссаров Временного правительства на своих. Так «олигархи» собственными руками (точнее — собственной жадностью) обеспечили «красногвардейскую атаку на капитал» и вырыли для русского капитализма могилу. При оценке экономики СССР сравнения часто приводились с уровнем развития царской России в год перед началом I Мировой войны. В то время нефтедобыча была одной из самых доходных отраслей промышленности, а финансист Путилов стал основателем русского нефтяного треста. Сфера его интересов была разнообразной. — Господа, вы были на государственном совещании, видели и слышали, что происходило там.

Сохранившихся на руках у потомков. Алексей Путилов активно финансировал модернизацию отечественных предприятий, желая внести вклад в развитие российской экономики. Его интересовали компании, относившиеся к металлургической, горной и железнодорожной промышленности. В результате под контролем банка оказались свыше 160 производственных бизнесов, в том числе крупнейший в стране машиностроительный Путиловский завод, когда-то принадлежавший знаменитому родственнику Алексея Ивановича. После провала Корниловского выступления уехал из Петрограда.

Третьякова и ряда быв. Сподвижников Корнилова. Все они обвинили Путилова в искажении мн.

Пр-ва и роспуска Совета РСД. Путилов участвовал в работе московского Государственного совещания. 13 августа Путилов и Вышнеградский были приглашены на встречу с Корниловым, к-рый заявил, что по согласованию с А.Ф. Керенским намерен силой подавить Советы в Петрограде, направив туда корпус ген. Высокий чиновник обратил внимание на юношу, блиставшего незаурядными способностями, но при этом совершенно не продвигавшегося по службе.

Витте, Путилов был «одним из самых влиятельных финансистов в банковских сферах не только у нас в Петербурге, но и за границей»[3]. Его создание и вся последующая деятельность положили начало новой тенденции в отечественном крупном предпринимательстве – усиленному проникновению международного банковского капитала в сферу промышленного производства. Алексей Путилов является  одним из самых известных русских финансистов и промышленников, также он был директором Русско-Азиатского банка и масоном. В годы революции, активно поддерживал «белое» движение, финансируя генерала Корнилова. После Февральской революции вместе с А. Вышнеградским создал «Общество экономического возрождения России», в которое вошли представители ряда крупнейших банков и страховых обществ Петрограда.

В 1910–14 П. Соз­дал во­ен­но-пром. Син­ди­кат, в ко­то­рый во­шли ком­па­нии, вла­дев­шие круп­ней­ши­ми Пу­ти­лов­ским, Бал­тий­ским, Нев­ским и др. За­во­да­ми (в 1912 пред­при­ятия, фи­нан­си­руе­мые Рус.-Ази­ат. бан­ком, про­из­во­ди­ли поч­ти всю по­ле­вую ар­тил­ле­рию и сна­ря­ды для рос. ар­мии, а так­же боль­шин­ст­во лёг­ких крей­се­ров и эс­мин­цев для Балт. фло­та). Уча­ст­ни­ков уч­ре­ж­де­ния в Лон­до­не хол­дин­га «The Russian Gene­ral Oil Corpo­ra­tion» («Рус­ская ге­не­раль­ная неф­тя­ная кор­по­ра­ция», 1912), ко­то­рый со­сре­до­то­чил кон­троль­ные па­ке­ты ак­ций рос.

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As history has shown, anything that a group of people in an economy attaches value to can be used as currency. The first “official” currency was minted in the seventh century BC by King Alyattes of Lydia in modern-day Turkey. For practical reasons, Lydian currency took on the form of a round coin, which became the first ever standardized unit of currency. Paper currency, on the other hand, was invented in Asia and was brought back to Europe by Marco Polo after his travels to Asia. Finder.com is an independent comparison platform and information service that aims to provide you with the tools you need to make better decisions. While we are independent, the offers that appear on this site are from companies from which finder.com receives compensation. We may receive compensation from our partners for placement of their products or services. We may also receive compensation if you click on certain links posted on our site. While compensation arrangements may affect the order, position or placement of product information, it doesn’t influence our assessment of those products.

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Currency is a universal medium of exchange for goods and services in an economy, and it is believed to have been used as such dating back at least 3,000 years. Before this, it is assumed that bartering, which is the exchange of goods and services without the use of money, was likely used. Throughout history, currency has taken many different forms. Some examples include coins, barley, gold, silver, squirrel pelts, 8-ton carved limestone rocks, salt, knives, cowrie shells, stamps, potato mashers, peppercorn, tea bricks, and cheese. Major Currencies—This refers to a short list of the most traded currencies, which generally stay the same year-to-year. Most recently, this includes the U.S. dollar , Euro , Japanese yen , British pound , Australian dollar , Canadian dollar , and the Swiss franc . The USD in a currency pair with any of the others is known as a major currency pair. Currency Pair—A quote of the relative value of one currency unit against another currency unit. The first currency in a currency pair is called the base currency, while the second is called the quote currency. Below is a short list of some of the important terms pertinent to foreign currency exchange.

  • Perceived instability causes a loss of confidence in currencies within economies and a movement of foreign funds into more stable economies.
  • Bitcoin is the first and most popular cryptocurrency originally proposed in 2008 and subsequently created in 2009 by the pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto.
  • As financial middlemen, most will set exchange rates of their own at bid-ask spreads that return a percentage as profit for doing business.
  • If you already have the asset you wish to trade you can either place a bid order for more of that asset, or an ask order to sell some of that asset.
  • You can also use our Prices Calculator Table to calculate how much your currency is worth in other denominations, i.e. .1 BTC, .5 BTC, 1 BTC, 5 BTC, or even 10 BTC.
  • Ever since Bitcoin launched in 2009, its value has often been conveyed in U.S. dollars.

With the currency calculator, you can quickly and easily convert amounts between any currencies. In total, there are about 160 different currencies available on the currency calculator. Ever since Bitcoin launched in 2009, its value has often been conveyed in U.S. dollars. Comparing prices across exchanges helps guarantee you’ll get the best deal, as some platforms offer a better deal than others. Price data is continually gathered from multiple markets.

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The Bitcoin protocol completed its third halving on May 11th, 2020. At that time, the block reward given to miners was reduced from 12.5 BTC per block to 6.25 BTC per block. Politics—Governments can enact policies or regulations that directly or indirectly impact exchange rates. Also, economies with stable politics generally make better foreign investments than economies that constantly suffer from political strife. Perceived instability causes a loss of confidence in currencies within economies and a movement of foreign funds into more stable economies. The value of these currencies is backed by the promise of their issuing governments, which makes them fiat money . Before fiat money existed, currencies were usually backed by a commodity such as gold or silver. The exchange rate for the Bitcoin was last updated on April 18, 2022 from coinmarketcap.com. The exchange rate for the Primecoin was last updated on November 18, 2021 from coinmarketcap.com.

How much do Bitcoin miners make a day?

In February 2022, one Bitcoin mining machine (commonly known as an ASIC), like the Whatsminer M20S, generates around $12 in Bitcoin revenue every day depending on the price of bitcoin.

As financial middlemen, most will set exchange rates of their own at bid-ask spreads that return a percentage as profit for doing business. The current technology behind cryptocurrencies is called blockchain, which is a decentralized ledger of all transactions across a peer-to-peer network. A prominent feature of blockchain is that participants can confirm transactions without the need for a central clearing authority, such as a central bank or government. The value of cryptocurrencies fluctuates, just like a regular currency, and they can be traded in the same way as any other currency. Some experts say that there is a slight chance that cryptocurrencies become the currency of the future.

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In other words, it requires more foreign currency than it receives through the sale of exports, supplying more of its own currency than foreigners demand for its products. Forex—The foreign exchange market is a global, decentralized, over-the-counter market for the trading of currencies and is the largest market in the world . This market is a necessity because one unit of currency very rarely equals exactly one unit of another currency. The forex is able to facilitate the receipt or payment of units of currency that are equal in value. The price of Bitcoin in other fiat and cryptocurrencies is based on the corresponding exchange rate of those currencies to the US Dollar. The Bitcoin network consists of nodes that can validate transactions, organize them into blocks, and solve the hashing function to mine a block and receive the block reward. All other nodes on the network will check the work of the miner that mined the block to ensure that it was legitimate.

Can I buy $10 worth of bitcoin?

You can purchase $10 worth of bitcoin just as easily as you can purchase an entire coin. It’s not just bitcoin that is available on crypto exchanges.

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The United States Dollar is also known as the American Dollar, and the US Dollar. The exchange rate for the United States Dollar was last updated on April 18, 2022 from The International Monetary Fund. Differences in interest rates—the interest rates btc to usd may affect the demand of a currency as well as the inflation rate of an economy, which can drive the exchange rates up or down. Browse a variety of coin offerings in one of the largest multi-cryptocurrency exchanges and pay in cryptocurrency.

This Bitcoin and Primecoin convertor is up to date with exchange rates from April 18, 2022. This Bitcoin and United States Dollar convertor is up to date with exchange rates from April 18, 2022. These are the average exchange rates of these two currencies for the last 30 and 90 days. Don’t forget that we have plenty of other metrics that can show you whether the BTC market is in a healthy state. You can easily assess the market cap of the world’s biggest cryptocurrency — and at the top of every page we deliver an insight into Bitcoin’s dominance. Cryptocurrency adoption in the U.S. continues to rise — and in 2019, the number of people who owned digital assets doubled. With a population of 328.2 million, America is a massive and largely untapped market. Economic performance—The performance of economies also dictates the exchange rate of their currencies. When global capital searches for the best place to make a return, strong economies are usually a good choice. As a result, an influx of capital into a certain economy will increase the buying power of that economy’s currency.
Talk with a financial professional if you’re not sure. Questions and responses on finder.com are not provided, paid for or otherwise endorsed by any bank or brand. These banks and brands are not responsible for ensuring that comments are answered or accurate. Finder.com provides guides and information on a range of products and services.
There is no official ISO code for Bitcoins, although XBT is commonly used. The exchange rates on this site are for information purposes only. They are not guaranteed to be accurate, and are subject to change without notice. Options added for millibitcoins, and 3 new cryptocurrencies. The currency of another economy with higher inflation will usually depreciate in relation to a lower inflation currency.
bitcoin to dollar conversion calculator
Please don’t interpret the order in which products appear on our Site as any endorsement or recommendation from us. Finder.com compares a wide range of products, providers and services but we don’t provide information on all available products, providers or services. Please appreciate that there may be other options available to you than the products, providers or services covered by our service. If you want to convert your satoshi to cash, you would need to find people who are willing to trade your Satoshi for fiat money. Another way is to buy a product using your Satoshi and then when you already have the product, find people who want to buy them from you with cash.

A weighted average price of these markets is shown by default (based on 24-hour trade volume). Alternatively, you can choose a specific source from the settings menu. You can use Bitcoin to send money to anyone via the Internet with no middleman. See the Bitcoin exchange rate i.e. the current value of one bitcoin. Trade bitcoin in the most sophisticated and simple ways on Beaxy. https://www.beaxy.com/ Order books contain orders to buy or sell an asset that are determined by exchange users. Orders are matched by the exchange matching engine to produce completed traders. Interbank (bank-to-bank) Rate—This is the wholesale exchange rate that banks use between themselves. Execute multiple trade types with no fees on cryptocurrency and wire transfer deposits on this exchange.

What do I need to mine 1 bitcoin a day?

An individual miner that contributes 1% of the pool’s hash rate (~267 PH/s) would earn approximately 1.79 BTC per day. This means a miner would need close to 149.2 PH/s of hash rate to mine an average of 1 BTC per day at current difficulty levels.

There’s a constant buzz about how Bitcoin is performing against the U.S. dollar. Traders anxiously watch the pair’s every move — and fluctuations regularly hit the headlines. CoinMarketCap is the place people go to to find accurate BTC/USD rates, and we’re here 24/7. Convert any cryptocurrency or token price into your preferred fiat currency, such as BTC to USD. Enter the number of bitcoins you have, and watch their value fluctuate over time. The price of the asset, amount, and time stamp will be displayed. A red transaction indicates that an ask order was completed, while a green transaction indicates that a bid order was completed. Connect your bank account to Beaxy to enable BTC to FIAT pair trading and direct ACH and Wire transfers for BTC purchases. Onboard and offboard multiple national currencies simply and easily with this process. Since 2017, DigitalCoinPrice has become one of the trusted brands within the tradeallcryptomunity.

Natalie Arabian dropped out of college once she started making a lot of money from her crypto investments. But if you want a comprehensive guide on how to buy Bitcoin, and a full explanation of how conversions work, CoinMarketCap is here to save the day. Bitcoin is renowned for its volatility — and in the past, it’s gained and lost hundreds of dollars in a matter of minutes. Thanks to our straightforward tool, you’ll never be out of the loop. You’re welcome to contact the creator of this site at Reddit or BitcoinTalk. The Beaxy Exchange (beaxy.com) is operated by Windy Inc in the United States and around the world. Our goal is to create the best possible product, and your thoughts, ideas and suggestions play a major role in helping us identify opportunities to improve. Jing Jun Ma is a tech and data expert with more than a decade of experience in digital marketing and programming.